Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Drawing words.

Drawing from Music

Starting work when it's still dark..

Woman in Black

Final images for the exhibition on Woman in Black..
Models made from fimo, and paper, I didn't realise how much I enjoyed model making.. Will definitely be trying this some more!

Camber Sands Trip

Chllin in the graveyard, Thinking about Woman in Black.

Drawings from Camber Sands Trip.

Camber Sands Making Scenery/ Costumes/ Props for the Woman in Black.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

You know it's almost Christmas...

Selfridges Christmas Windows.

Download photo.JPG (141.7 KB)

Download photo.JPG (134.5 KB)

Every week I walk past these on the way to work. I think there's something magical about Christmas. The lights, the gleaming white. And I think Selfridges this year shows some of that magic.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Margate Turner Contemporary, 'Nothing in the world but Youth.'


On the way back from Camber Sands we stopped at Margate, went to an exhibition there 'Nothing in the world but Youth'. this really stirred something in me, guess cos of all the youth work I do, have done. Pretty insane exhibition too, bringing together works of young people all across, from famous artists their interpretations of youth culture, then works by young people too. Trying to make it in the world.

One of the videos I watched in the exhibition was one about a young Moroccan boy living in Holland, all he wanted to do was be a skateboarder, he loved it and every day would push himself further. he would enter competitions and win. His parents however wanted him to study more. His quote was 'I think everyone should just do what they love, and do it well.' That's Passion.

What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork.

(Hunitarian museum)

The Foundling Museum
A now museum, the foundling orphanage was a home set up for children whose parents could not keep them. If they were too poor and had the child out of wedlock. The child would live in a foster home up until the age of 5 where they would then come to live in the home. They would be educated and do chores, be fed and clothed.

Every child and every generation of children throughout history and across the globe represents the future. (William Hogarth)

Final Screen Printed Image.


The Project was to collect together all the drawing we've been doing around museums, galleries and interesting places in London and to create a collection of our own interests. Personally I am really interested in stories, tales and characters.  
I decided when drawing around the locations that I would chose particular objects that had an interesting  characteristic or that could maybe play a part in a story. 
I think there's something about each of my drawings which when you look at them you maybe feel like there is a story behind it. Why draw such random objects? 
I gave a story title to each of these images, maybe one day I'll write the stories as children's books..

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Hunitarian Museum

Visiting the Hunterian museum, Its a bit icky.. full of babies in glass jars and parts of infected skin. 

This was Buddy the Hedgehog, I made up a story with Charlie how each night he actually escapes from the glass jar and makes friends with all the other creatures. I guess if someone did take him out of the jar though he'd just crumble or disintegrate straight away. 

Saturday, 15 October 2011


Group Project, create a Performance with the piece of music given..

Lions Breathe. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

There's almost too many images in the world to choose from...

Number 9 a book cover by Max Lucado, illustrated by Sergio Martinez. Serio Martinez's illustration are so beautiful. The story is about a puppet who doesn't realise his worth because he alwa\ys judges himself by other peoples standards. For me the front ncover says it all, a puppet with almost a painted smile he does look worth much at all, But then for the title pof the book nto be 'You are special' its makes you think more. Again although this is a childrens book its a message everyone needs to hear. We are special, and we shoudln't judge ourselves by what other people think of us. Just like the puppet on the front of this book.

Social Justice.

Number 8 is a bit shocking.. makes me feel abit ill looking at the girls hunched bodies in a packet of fresh meat. I guess people don't think about the issues of human trafficking? That so many prostitutues have just been smuggled unaware from another country. 27 million people still live in slavery.. Without taking a picture of just a young girl looking sad, I think the Salvation Army have gone further. However shocking this image is it will make you stiop and think if you saw it on a huge billboard. Today there are so many images we see in newspapers, on the tv, on billboards of sad looking children crying out to be helped, although I agree we should help and there should be images out there for people to see things beyond themselves.. There needs to be a change in the way people view charity, beacuse we just get used to seeing these images, so much that they have no effect on us.


My Heart screams.. there's got to be something we can do.

An image that's not so obvious..

Number 7 is called people 12 by Mbuyisa Maphalala. He's from South Afica and I think whats interesting is that his works are so different. I mean when I look at it it just doesn't feel like my culture one bit. And I love that. I love culture too, I always wished I was from somewhere other than Britian to be just abit different in my approch to things. Then I guess what's so exciting is when I do see people from other countries creating works it just gets me thinking about how different life can be for someone from another country. Mbuyisa's use of bright colours makes me think of Africa, maybe one day I'll go to another country for a year and do art over there, bring a British approach..

Monday, 19 September 2011

Everyones got to have a bit of Rodchenko.

Number 6 Lily Brik poster by Alexsander Rodchenko. Went to his exhibtion awhile back too.. (Freek I'm starting to think I need to go to some more recent exhibtions!) Rodchenko himself is just the most intertesting guy. While his graphic deisgn and photographs came out during the Russian Revolution he was all about getting people to think about and see things that maybe were going unnoticed.. he was very invloved politically and just wanted change. How crazy how much controversy was put accross against him.. Imagery can have such a huge effect on people can't it?

Through these images I've found.. I've decided I find people interesting.

Number 5 Franko B by Jeremy Andrews, as i began to realise how much I find people interesting I looked through my old BP portrait award book from 2007 and came accross this image. I remember it clearly because looking round the exhibiton awhile back with my friend she was so shocked because this guy, Franko B actually lives on her block of flats. After further research we found how famous Franko B actually is as an artist. I mean whats interesting is that to the world he's an artist, to my friend he's just a bit of a strange guy who lives on her block of flats.. Who is Franko B to his friends, his family? But everyone is someone.. This image always makes me think of that.

Bit of photography within those 10 images.. :)

Number 4 I watched the series DirtySexyThings, a show where Perou the famous photographer worked with 8 models to produce photographs that kindof went above and beyond and stretched the limits of the models. It was then for an exhibiton held. My favourite photo throughout the show was this one the paint splattered just makes me feel excited, all of the models got photographed with paint thrown at them but this was the only one that really worked. It made me think about the amount of time I've tried to capture people jumping, but imagine getting paint at a complete perfect angle.. Kinda pot luck?


Even more posts..

Aerial view of Houses of Parliament (London) - drawings and paintings by Stephen Wiltshire MBE

Number 3 Stephen Wiltshire, I saw a program on him, he's austist and it was noticed he only enjoyed drawing. Stephen can draw buildings from mempry and the program i watched was about him drawing a view of London! Amazing! This particular piece by him- the houses of parliment I just don't understand how someone could draw so much detail from memory.. Pretty crazy how other people's brains work.


Could've done it in a long post.. But I like having more posts..

Trevor Romain.. kinda my favourite illustrator in the whole world.. I love his messages in his works, messages that bring hope, that tell people that there's more, that it will be ok. Hope Star is one of my favourites. Imagine giving a child this imagery and telling them that there is hope. What I find interesting is that its not your classic book illustration, illustrating a little story for a child. It's kinda something more.. in the lightest form he tells that things do go wrong and things do hurt and life isn't perfect.. but that there is hope. It will come around, I think every person needs reminding of this sometimes.
You should check out his blog too, it makes me happy.

Time to upload my 10 interesting images..

Here I am, day before enrollment thinking actually I really should upload my 10 interesting images I've been asked to..

So number 1 is a poster done by the Alpha course, I'm sure everyone's seen there posters that come out about once a year, 'Does God exist?' 'Is this it?' 'The meaning of life is___' They always make me wonder if people really do pay attention to them, if anyone signs up for the alpha course, if a good bit of graphic design can make someone think about they're beliefs and question it..
One of my favourite of their posters was this one.. 'Is there more to life than this?' Standing on top of a huge mountain the guy seems to be crying out 'Is there anything more?' what if you've reached the top of the highest mountain? If you've been to see the trees, the animals, the water, the people, if you've travelled? If you've seen life in all its areas of the world? Does it make you think that there has to be more that just the beauty of what we see in nature.. Or is it just coincidence how things have come about? Just kinda gets me thinking..