Tuesday 22 November 2011

Margate Turner Contemporary, 'Nothing in the world but Youth.'


On the way back from Camber Sands we stopped at Margate, went to an exhibition there 'Nothing in the world but Youth'. this really stirred something in me, guess cos of all the youth work I do, have done. Pretty insane exhibition too, bringing together works of young people all across, from famous artists their interpretations of youth culture, then works by young people too. Trying to make it in the world.

One of the videos I watched in the exhibition was one about a young Moroccan boy living in Holland, all he wanted to do was be a skateboarder, he loved it and every day would push himself further. he would enter competitions and win. His parents however wanted him to study more. His quote was 'I think everyone should just do what they love, and do it well.' That's Passion.

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