Tuesday 20 September 2011

Social Justice.

Number 8 is a bit shocking.. makes me feel abit ill looking at the girls hunched bodies in a packet of fresh meat. I guess people don't think about the issues of human trafficking? That so many prostitutues have just been smuggled unaware from another country. 27 million people still live in slavery.. Without taking a picture of just a young girl looking sad, I think the Salvation Army have gone further. However shocking this image is it will make you stiop and think if you saw it on a huge billboard. Today there are so many images we see in newspapers, on the tv, on billboards of sad looking children crying out to be helped, although I agree we should help and there should be images out there for people to see things beyond themselves.. There needs to be a change in the way people view charity, beacuse we just get used to seeing these images, so much that they have no effect on us.


My Heart screams.. there's got to be something we can do.

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