Thursday 31 January 2013

Brave New World | January

As part of our course we had to enter the Folio Society Competition, illustrating the book Brave New World.
We had to choose 3 parts in the book and illustrate an image for each, it was a good challenge I think, getting to learn about entering competitions, uploading to websites, and keeping to time restrictions and layout.

These are my 3 Images

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Editorial | November

Original brief was to illustrate an article that was about autism, and how you would produce a final piece while maintaining a sensitivity.
Project by begun experimenting with mark making and trying to draw words that would be otherwise hard to illustrate, words that describes the text.







Final Piece

Monday 26 November 2012

Embarrassing Blog | October

So the awkward moment when you realise you just haven't been keeping up to date with your blog and you really should be. I've become far too indulged with other blogs that mine seems so far from wonderful I've kind of being hiding away from it.

2nd year has started! (Yikes!) Life suddenly seems its gone way too quickly and I can't really believe I'll be turning 21 in February!?

Our projects seem all so serious, so grown up and actually about changing our society and the world we live in.

Reportage | Tower Hamlets Briefing |
Create an illustrated piece that report your findings on the inequality in the borough of Tower Hamlets.

Final Piece | Young People in the area |

Text from Final Piece |

'Deciding to focus on Young People I pinpointed 7 youth centres (that I could find an address or at least a website) and went out to see the work they do in Tower Hamlets. Out of the 7, 3 were non existent in the addresses given, 3 were just inactive buildings, only 1 was open to the public, however the final centre has only been open 2 years, how long before it too closes with no funds?'

Friday 31 August 2012

A Summer Of Morocco | August

Spent 2 weeks in Morocco, a well needed holiday with the way things had been over the start of the summer. The country has a population of 32 million, it's main languages are arabic and french, the main religion is Muslim. If I had to sum it up in 3 words they would be:




The culture I think was the most interesting part. It was so hard to capture people over there, their expressions and ways of living, I wish I'd taken more photos of people. 

Saturday 12 May 2012

Creature Costume.

Creating a Creature out of my needs.

This little guy has a huge heart,a heart to love. Born a lion makes him a natural leader but it doesn't mean he doesn't have to learn a lot about self confidence. His eye's sparkle and he is easily passionate and inspired. His smile is welcoming and he so wants to be there for everyone all the time. I guess he figures out a smile can only stretch so far and his love cannot touch all. 

New Project! Thinking about my needs..

Just a few needs of mine, what is most important? And what couldn't I live without?

New York New York New York.

Well just came back from an amazing week in New York..
Its's a crazy city that honestly never seems to sleep.. everyone was rushing away somewhere, everyone had somewhere to be. I guess in a weird way it felt like home? But then also not at all like London.
Highlights: Empire State Building, visiting the DC Comic studios,